What is Algorithm ?


Algorithm is a method to solve any Problem OR accomplish a task. This Method involves steps to execute it correctly. Steps must be limited in the method because if a method cannot complete it is not considered as Method. So, we can say that an ALGORITHM is set of steps to solve a certain Problem. The Term ‘Algorithm’ is especially used for mathematical and Computational problem solving. 


We can put ‘Method’ in place of ‘algorithm’ and same as “Algorithm” in place of ‘Method’. Every algorithm has some steps to complete the desired task. It is possible to have more than one method to solve the same problem; in that case, we obviously go for the better method. We go with the method that suits our requirements. This concept also applies to a computer algorithm. Computer Algorithm Comparison is based on the time required to execute (TIME COMPLEXITY) and Memory space needed to complete Execution (SPACE COMPLEXITY). We cannot fix the algorithm for some type of problem. (Like we cannot fix amount of sugar in tea every time we make, it depends on drinker’s taste). It is better to learn more than one method to solve a single problem. So, we can choose efficient method on the basis of requirement.

Examples OF Algorithms


As Algorithm is used for Problem solving, Problems are everywhere, So Algorithms are EVERYWHERE. For example Doctor has different algorithms for treatment of Patients, Tailor has different types of algorithms for sewing different clothes, Driver has algorithm to drive car, Carpenter has different algorithms for making different Wooden-crafts, Cook has algorithm to making a cup of tea ,Lawyer has algorithm to prove his point to Judge and Judge has algorithm to give judgements on the case. Finding solution of quadratic equation is an algorithm, Company has algorithm to select its employee, Facebook has algorithm to what to show or not to show in news feed, Google has algorithm to search best results among the web, Sheldon cooper has algorithm to make friends, you have algorithm to make decision for reading content on the web, NASA for analysis of data which is sent by Hubble space telescope.

Programming Poet


Algorithms Are like Cooking. Right Numbers of Variables, Right Data Structure baked into Right Algorithm (Process-Method) results in Best Solution. In ProgrammingPoem, We explore Computer algorithms with C/C++ language. ProgrammingPoet explains complex algorithms in an easy to understand manner.
